Team activities

Team work concern two directions:

  • research activities,
  • educational activity.



In the area of research

work is being carried out on the acquisition, processing and synthesis of imaging information, including:

  • design and test of Augmented and Virtual Reality systems,
  • design and testing of Vision Systems,
  • imaging biometrics,
  • active imaging.

Main projects implemented in recent years:

  • The integrated Laser Photography System for open area monitoring and prevention of terrorist threats.
  • Innovative laser diagnostic methods for steam turbine blades. Diagnostic problem analysis on turbine blades degradation – development of measurement methods and requirements for an innovative laser vision system.
  • Simulator in the environment of immersive virtual reality for the training of Border Guards officers regarding the clearance procedures
  • Simulator in an immersive virtual reality environment for training soldiers in the field of shootings from a manual anti-aircraft rocket launcher

More information:

Partners / co-operators

  • HARDsoft Microprocessor Systems, Poland
  • AVICON – Advanced Vision Control, Poland
  • DAHUA – Technology, Poland
  • TDS International, Poland
  • RemmedVR, Poland
  • Klinika Kardiochirurgii CSK MSWiA Warszawa, Poland
  • Zakłady Remontowe Energetyki Katowice, Poland
  • CIOP-PIB Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Poland
  • Optel, Poland,
  • JAS Technologie, Poland,
  • MLabs, Poland
  • Inframet, Poland
  • Uniwersytet Technologiczny Chalmers, Sweden,
  • University of Valencia, Spain,
  • Fraunhofer Academy, Germany,
  • Uniwersytet Techniczny w Delft, Netherlands,
  • Swedish Defence Research Agency- FOI, Sweden,
  • LETI, France,


In the sphere of education

knowledge dissemination activities are being conducted on issues related to the meaning and role of imaging information in the modern world, including parts:

  • demonstrations / training (MSPO Kielce, Warsaw Industry Week),
  • didactics.