Simulator > Shooting from a handheld rocket launcher


(in progress)


This application presents VR’s ability to create an immersive simulation environment. The operator “submerges” in the virtual world moves to a computer-generated training ground, where he is trained in the operation and shooting of a rocket launcher. He uses in this process a rocket launcher whose mock-up exists in the real world, mapping the mass and geometry of the device. The system used to convey the visual and auditory benefits to the user simultaneously positions it in the virtual world, mapping its position in a laboratory work area of ​​4 × 5 m. The rocket launcher is also positioned in this area by attaching its author’s design to the device’s position and rotation. The kit allows the operator to provide visual and auditory stimuli with a system of goggles and headphones, but the tactile stimulus provides a mock-up. This treatment allowed to increase the level of immersion of the user while increasing the effectiveness of hypothetical training.